Senin, 25 April 2011

The planets are unique and strange in the visible Kingdom

Our universe is so wide and filled the space objects, including the number of planets and stars are not infinite. From a number of planets known to humans, there are a few of them are odd and unique.

For example, the Planet WASP-12b. The Planet is known as the hottest planet ever found. Temperature, reaching 3,200 degrees Celsius! This new surface only.

There is another planet named Planet Dubbed TrES-4. It is the largest known planet. Size of 1.7 times Jupiter. In comparison, the size of Jupiter itself, 120 times the size of the Earth that we live in.

In addition, there is another planet's entire surface is filled by water. These beautiful photographs of the planets is unique.

Planet WASP-12b is the hottest planet ever found.
The temperature of the surface achieved 3200 degrees Celsius. It is located 870 light-years from Earth.
Planet Paltry has 3 of the Sun. Its distance from Earth of about 149 light-years.
Photo: NASA/JPL's Planetquest/Caltech
Planet SWEEPS-10 memiliki kecepatan orbit tercepat.
Waktu yang dibutuhkan planet ini untuk sekali mengelilingi bintangnya hanya sekitar 10 jam.
Foto: NASA, ESA, A. Schaller (for STScI)

Astronom memperkirakan seluruh permukaan Planet GJ 1214b tertutup oleh air.
Planet yang besarnya 3 kali ukuran bumi ini terletak sekitar 40 tahun cahaya dari bumi.
Foto: David A. Aguilar, CFA 
Planet Dubbed TrES-4 is the largest known planet.
Size of 1.7 times Jupiter. Its distance from Earth of about 1,400 light-years away.
Photo: Jeffrey Hall, Lowell Observatory
Planet Kepler-10b, today known as the smallest planet outside the solar system.
Dwarf Planet was discovered in January 2011.
Photo: NASA
The Planet Epsilon Eridani b, the distance is very close to Earth, only about 10.5 light years away.
In such a close until we can observe it with a telescope.
Photo: NASA, ESA, G.F. Benedict

Planet OGLE-2005-BLG-390L b adalah planet yang terdingin
dan terjauh jaraknya dari bumi, sekitar 28 ribu tahun cahaya.
Foto: ESO

Source by,

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