Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

8 the discovery of the most important To the history of human civilization

many discoveries that occurred during the human life on Earth, hundreds maybe even thousands of inventions. But without this invention, undoubtedly 8 we still live in a civilisation that is not as of now.

8. credit card

Sabtu, 30 April 2011

3 the world's oldest trees

Bristlecone Pine 4,200 years

Spruce or pine (pinus) is a tree of family Pinaceae we can find anywhere and anytime as long as the area's sandy soil is chalky, lots of water or have high enough levels of acidity. We can find this tree from Siberia, Scotland, Norway, the Canary Islands, the Philippines, the Himalayas sampe to corners of New Zealand, Brazil and Chile.

Some Strange Things About Albert Einstein

No doubt you already know Einstein right? He is the greatest scientist in its time, more precisely in the 20th century. Or more details you can read the article about the profile of Albert Einstein. He gives us a very phenomenal physics theory is the theory of

Jumat, 29 April 2011

5 animals that Have Sharp Weapons As Shield Yourself

Have tools of self-defense is mandatory in the world of animals. Defense tool serves to protect yourself from the enemy, competitors and predators. With sharp thorns that would be impossible for predators to attack and feed on these animals, if imposed the predator will only get injured as a result of thorns.

The following list of 5 animals who use this defense system:

5. Ekidna

5 Facts Unique Indonesian Magician

Presenting entertainment outside of reason is the main task of a magician. Amazing and thrilling an effect that must be generated by a magician. Because the magician skill in playing tricks, many who think magic is magic. The magician should know bagamana for the trick was not discovered. Behind it all, a lot of facts you probably never imagined. Here are 5 unique facts about a magician, a magician Indonesia:

1. Romy Rafael

8 Cave Exotic, Human Remains High Civilization

1. Petra, Jordan
City of Petra in Jordan is known as the setting of the film, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. It's also one of the 7 new wonders of the world, and very easy to see why the architecture is among the most sophisticated ever seen. Built into the slope of Mount Hor, Petra flourished during the Roman era, but it is unknown by the western world until 1812 when it was discovered by Swiss explorer, Johann Ludwig Burckhardt. More than 800 individual monuments can be seen in Petra, including the cemetery, where bathing, space funerals and temple.

Rabu, 27 April 2011

The secret of the Fire Ants survived the Flood

This is a great vehicle to save themselves from catastrophic floods. Vehicles that can assemble itself in 100 seconds and was able to keep the thousands to millions of passengers safely as well as floating for days, even up to several weeks.

Selasa, 26 April 2011

Magdeburg Water Bridge, the splendor of the river in the Upper River

Magdeburg Water Bridge is water navigation channel in Germany which connects the Elbe-Havel canal to the Mittelland canal and allow the ship to cross over the River Elbe as high as 918 meters. Magdeburg Water Bridge is the longest navigation waterways in the world.

The House in the middle of the sea aged 103 years

This home is truly remarkable. Not only because of his age who had 103 years but also because it was founded in the middle of the sea. It was this House has stood since 1905, exactly above the rocks of Rhode Island in the middle of the sea. The House is often called Clingstone.


Senin, 25 April 2011

This Is The Most Beautiful Lakes In Europe

Plitvice Lakes, Plitvice Lakes or, touted as the most beautiful lakes in Europe. The Lake is located in Croatia. The beauty of the Lake make it into one of the oldest tourist site in Europe. There are 16 lakes in Plitvice lakes National Park.

Now the human skin could be made at the factory

The idea scientists Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology Germany producing artificial human skin on a large scale is currently realized.

Germany now have a human skin factory and production assisted robot. Robot-robot it squeezes the solution chemistry pink then put it into a tool of the eyedropper and turn it into a potential piece of human skin.

Box Jellyfish, the world's Most Venomous Animals

Cobra, the blue-ringed Octopus, Scorpion or spider Nomad Brazil is the animals that are highly toxic. But above all, there is still one other animals that have the deadliest toxins.

The animal is the Box Jellyfish or box jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri). Since 1954, a total of 5567 people were recorded killed stung tentacles or cease them. The number is likely much more than that.

The planets are unique and strange in the visible Kingdom

Our universe is so wide and filled the space objects, including the number of planets and stars are not infinite. From a number of planets known to humans, there are a few of them are odd and unique.

For example, the Planet WASP-12b. The Planet is known as the hottest planet ever found. Temperature, reaching 3,200 degrees Celsius! This new surface only.

There is another planet named Planet Dubbed TrES-4. It is the largest known planet. Size of 1.7 times Jupiter. In comparison, the size of Jupiter itself, 120 times the size of the Earth that we live in.

In addition, there is another planet's entire surface is filled by water. These beautiful photographs of the planets is unique.

A Stone inscription of this ancient Japan Citizens from Tsunamis to save

With a height of 4 feet or 1.2 meters, the stone appears, nothing special. However, who thought he was saving the lives of inhabitants of Aneyoshi, Iwate Prefecture, when a tsunami strikes struck Japan, March 11, 2011.

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Want Smart Play Games? Buy just the battery 9 Volt

Feeling frustrated with your game play that never reached the final stages? One of the game or your brain that have not been able to? Don't worry, now there's an inexpensive way to stimulate your brain so that the adept at playing the game.

Kamis, 21 April 2011

Unique Phenomena, Tree-Covered Tree in Pakistan Spider's Nest

Millions of spiders in Pakistan doing something that has never been done before. They fled into the trees and the busy-busy making nests which envelops the entire tree.

The incident was first immortalized by a photographer who came from Sindh province in southeastern Pakistan, near Karachi, where the trees there dibaluti by cobwebs like a cocoon.

Many have attributed this incident with Pakistan floods that occurred last year, which is the worst flooding experienced by Pakistan since last 10 years.